Interviewed on School for Startups Radio

School for Startups RadioThis is the best interview I have done to date. Jim Beach, bestselling author and founder of School for Startups Radio, asked great questions. He is the first interviewer to ever walk me through my my signature system of how I work with clients, the PALMS™ Framework.

We talked about growing a small business, career transition, productivity, and lots of other things. Please note: he doesn’t prep guests so I had no idea what was coming.

There are great takeaways in this interview.  You can listen to it here March 31, 2015 – Transitioning w Catherine Morgan.

Interviewed on The Shut Up Show with Berni Xiong and Phil Gerbyshak

This video interview was pure joy for me. It was a veritable love fest talking with my dear friend and client Phil Gerbyshak, and the fabulous Berni Xiong. Phil and Berni are two professionals I greatly admire.

The Shut Up Show is for entrepreneurs (or intrapreneurs) who are trying to do big things and need to get past fear and negative self talk. Basically, this show will help you to tell those unhelpful voices inside your head to (wait for it) shut up!

Nobody likes to admit the stupid things they have done in their business, but it’s my – and their – hope that we can all learn and grow from other people’s mistakes.

So I hope you will check out Catherine Morgan Helps Us Get from Point A to Point B – Episode 20. The show notes Berni put together are hilarious! And the video interview was a blast.  

WGN Radio: The Noon Show with Carol Roth – Interviewing

I have to tell you, I could get used to this “expert” status thing. So fun to join my friend Carol Roth on The Noon Show on Chicago’s WGN radio today.

Carol and I talked about interviewing best practices and answered some tough questions from callers, including how to respond to the weakness question and how to position yourself if you were fired from your previous job. No softballs here!

Please enjoy You have the job interview…now what?

Accountability is King: Why Group Coaching Works

Finding someone or some group to hold you accountable might be the best thing you can do for yourself. It is too easy to believe your own excuses for not getting something done. It is too easy for life to get in the way of you achieving your goals.

In the Best Year Ever! teleclass series we were all in different businesses and yet the issues we were facing were the same. We were able to learn from and support each other.

Making a decision and committing to actions to a group does dramatically increase the odds that you will actually do what you said you were going to do. Here is one example:

First day of my commitment for Best Year Ever was Wednesday, Jan. 17th. I did my 90 minutes of job-hunting, including finishing the cover letter to <company> (that had begun in draft form more then 10 days earlier, and lay dormant) and CV and sent off (among other tasks). Friday afternoon Jan 19th, the office manager called and booked me for a phone screen for a Community Manager position. It took ONE day to get active, and THREE days to get results… the first of many, I hope.

Continue reading

Evaluating Opportunities: What’s Your Lens?

We all have choices to make. How do we know if we need or want to do one thing or another? How do we objectively evaluate opportunities so that we make the right next choice – the one that we don’t second guess because we made the best decision we could at the time?

One way to do it is to find your lens. This is something that I help clients do all the time, and I am ruthless in coaching them to consistently use their lens to evaluate all opportunities.

Let me give you two examples. Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Clutter in Your Head

Spring comes and everything starts to look different. You may find that you get a burst of energy to throw out the old and bring in the new as you cheerfully pack away your sweaters in anticipation of warmer weather.

You may find yourself de-cluttering your closets – but have you thought about clearing out the clutter in your head?

What’s lurking in the mothballs?

When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with yourself and assessed (kindly) where you were in your career and if your current work is working for you? Are there lots of old notions about who you are and what you should be doing that are hiding in the old chest with the mothballs? Time to shake those suckers out and expose them to some sunshine! Continue reading